In the past years, the interest for the via Ferrata routes had grown significantly. These routes are protected climbing paths, a perfect opportunity for all hiking lovers to live the unique experience of climbing a big wall. You will climb steep ridges while hanging on to iron cables or passing on hanging bridges.
Via Ferrata means “Iron Road” because it is a climbing protected path with iron cables and iron steps or ladders, along the natural conformations of the wall.
The use of Via Ferrata is an activity accessible to all, but don’t forget, however, that if you are a beginner and have no experience hiring a mountain guide will not only be a safety guarantee but is also the best way to learn how to use the technical equipment and climb with less effort.


taking advantage of spring a couple is climbing the via ferrata in turzii gorges
Turzii Gorge
Traseul se află în Cheile Turzii, accesul fiind foarte ușor din orașul Cluj- Napoca, dar nu numai...
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climber enjoying wild ferenc via ferrata in bicaz gorges
Bicaz gorge
Traseul Astragalus se află în Cheile Șugaului – Munticelu, din munții Hășmașul Mare....
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girl crossing a via ferrata bridge in Vadu Crisului
Vadu Crisului
Probabil cele mai frumose trasee de via ferrata de la noi din țară, se află în Vadul Crișului, județul Bihor....
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Via ferrata Gallery

group foto of climbers on a via ferrata route
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