Weekend at the sheepfold
I invite you on a little journey in the wilderness of the Gurghiu Mountains (it’s a mountain range in Romania). They are relatively low with the highest peak of 1776 meters, but they are well known for their amazing valleys, well-wooded forests, and abundant wildlife. You can easily cross your path with a bear, wolf, wild boar, or even a red deer. So, therefore, I don’t recommend to adventure in these woods without a guide.
We start the hike from Jirca Valley, but after an hour, we leave the comfort of the marked trail. Before we arrive at the sheepfold, we stop to take some clear spring water. These mountains were formed during the volcanic activities, the water is crystal clear and pure.

The sheepfold is located in a lovely meadow. Here you have a good viewpoint of the surrounding mountain ranges. It is a perfect place to relax, read a book, meditate, or take nature photography.

We cleaned our little house, repaired the fence, and gathered some firewood for the night. Even though it’s spring the temperatures in the nighttime can easily fall under 0 degrees.
I started the fire in the old fashioned way, using the flint and steel. For dinner, we made potatoes and sausage in hot coals. After we take out the potatoes we added butter and soft cheese, delicious.

We left the comfort of our fire to admire the sunset. The clouds were swimming in a pale red sea. Because there is no light pollution it’s a great place to stargaze. From our small kitchen, we could admire a spectacular moon rise. I can say we had it all for one day, a good night’s sleep was in order.
With the sunrise, nature comes to life, the birds where our natural wakeup call. After a tasty breakfast, we just laid down in the grass and relaxed. Nobody wanted to leave this magical place. I’m convinced that we will come back, the energy of the place it’s just too good.